Day 14 (Week 3, Day 4)

Home stretch now!!!

Just completed my last chemo today (in-office, IV) and I think it is safe to say that I responded very well! As I have mentioned before, the last time we did the Integrative/Alternative therapy involving chemotherapy it was a much different experience. Yeah, and if by different you mean horrible then, yes, that would be correct. I had very little chemo involved then, so naturally I was concerned that by upping the amount (not the dosing, as it was also low-dose) it would hit me much harder. Of course I was also being treated at the same time by my oncologist, with the Western medicine method – immunotherapy. That could very well have been what brought on the heavy duty side effects that made it more of a nightmare that I’d love to forget. This time around, with strictly my integrative team overseeing my treatment, I can officially say that it did not hit me like it did the last time around. Quite a blessing I must say. I am extremely grateful for my reaction, or lack thereof, to it and honestly feel really good. I am tired, of course, and need to rest and recover, but that’s cool with me!

I got my blood work back before the treatment today and all was good. I showed up as slightly anemic again, which is not a huge issue and is a side effect of the chemo, but my other immune numbers were great! Now that I am being released into the wild again I am planning on maintaining this momentum. As I will talk about more tomorrow with the supplementation going forward, the oral chemo is the next challenge, and I will continue to get the blood work done throughout to make sure I am good to go.

The more important news of the day is my oldest son’s birthday! Dylan is 22 years old today. Wow. Just wow. Life goes crazy fast for us all, and I was his age like, last year or so. Or so. Anyway I wanted to give him a shout out because he is an amazing and awesome man, and I’m super proud of him. So blessed.

Alrighty y’all-thanks for the vine and I look forward to my last treatment day tomorrow!

Have a great Friday everyone!

Talk soon!

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I’m Brian,

Welcome to The Stage IV Life. I am living my life with cancer – not dying from cancer. Posting here gives me the opportunity to share the ups and downs….the lessons learned along the way – with the intention of giving others hope where they might not think there is any. We are navigating cancer … our way.

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