Nothin’ to it…

Okay..there was a lot to it, actually. First let me start by saying hello from beautiful Northern Nevada. The weather this weekend was amazing! 75 degrees and sunny with no wind (a very nice change as of late). Sign me up for this everyday, please. I have, of course, seen this movie before and it will probably snow next week so I will curb my enthusiasm, pun intended.

I was able to spend a lot of time outdoors this weekend, mostly hanging out with the boys and doing stuff around the house. On Saturday I went for my run, which is typically my long run for the week, as this is how the training plan that I follow works. I decided that since I won’t be able to run the half-marathon this coming weekend (only the 10K) because I will be starting round 2 of the oral chemo on Wednesday, that I would run the half marathon on my own this weekend. And that is what I did! Crushed it, in fact. My time wasn’t great, but that wasn’t the point. My goal was to do and so I did. I have been running for less than a year but the goal-setting and accomplishments that come along with it are so awesome–again, highly recommend.

Humble brag here– I was feeling pretty good about myself after I finished that. Nothing like having a goal and reaching it. Now it is on to the next goal. To be clear, my over-arching goal is to, of course, put cancer down, but you have to have daily, weekly, etc. goals too. Since cancer has once again decided to inconvenience our lives I decided to take a shot back by reaching this goal, and with each goal that I get, I believe that helps to “keep cancer at bay” if that is such a thing.

I like to think of it in more simple terms, though. If I’m winning, cancer is losing. That’s how I roll!–See you Wednesday and have a great week!

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I’m Brian,

Welcome to The Stage IV Life. I am living my life with cancer – not dying from cancer. Posting here gives me the opportunity to share the ups and downs….the lessons learned along the way – with the intention of giving others hope where they might not think there is any. We are navigating cancer … our way.

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